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What will you find here?

Have you ever implemented a complex technical solution (like a mailserver or a smarthome system)
And have you ever been in the situation that you forgot how it works, once you wanted to make changes or troubleshoot an issue?

That’s exactly the reason for this blog. Not only I share information about my projects with guys like you, but also it helps myself to remember .

Who am I?

My name is Stefan Haupt, born 1981 in Germany.

In the early 2000s I started my work career as an IT system administrator. Meanwhile I have moved to the world of technical PreSales, but I’d say I have always been a geek and probably ever will be. So, back to the roots: While my business life was mostly limited to MS Windows I had always shown interest in the world of Linux. For example. today I run a docker based container environment on my home server to control my home automation. Besides that I enjoy coding in different interpreter and managed languages, although I consider myself more a script-kiddie than an expert.

Feel free to reach out via LinkedIn or Facebook.